We only care about our socialist agenda.
The United States doesn't need any enemies.
We have the Jihad wannabes, The Democrats.
The House of Representatives has cut more than $764 million from the administration's proposed spending of $8.9 billion on missile defenses in the next fiscal year.
The development came as no surprise to Capitol Hill watchers who forecast that the Democratic majority in Congress was licking its chops to cut the legs out from under the administration's controversial plans to begin digging silos for 10 interceptors in Poland and ramping-up a tracking radar in the Czech Republic — all cogs in a system to defend Europe against the long-range ballistic missile threat from Iran.

Some $160 million was cut from funds proposed for the construction in Poland — enough to prevent breaking ground on the silos.

"The Islamic State of Iraq...March Toward Washington" reads the headline in English superimposed over a digitally created scene of the U.S. Capitol under attack in the introductory sequence of one tape released on the Internet this week.
Where are you Dems going to hide when the bombs go off?
Note: I was unable to locate the video. It may turn up on YouTube?
Rush quote: "We can put a man on the moon, we can play romantic, classical music for sharks, but we can't find 12 million illegals?"
They should be easy to find.
Start in El Centro, CA travel up Highway 86 sweep through the
Coachella Valley. Should be able to find about half of them.