HildaBeast Launches Web Effort to Oust Gonzales
The Democratic presidential hopeful said Gonzales should resign "because he is at the center of a widening scandal over the firing of several U.S. attorneys – firings we now know to be political. These attacks on the impartiality of the federal government’s prosecutors are a genuine threat to the foundations of our justice system.
"It’s so bad that one U.S. attorney in Arkansas was fired to make room for a former aide to Karl Rove."
Hillary's back to "It's a right wing conspiracy!"
The people didn't swallow it then, well - one did, they won't swallow it now.
What did Mr. Hilda Beast do? He fired 93 attorneys.

The latest liberal media outrage over the firing of eight U.S. attorneys by the Bush administration may be the clearest example of liberal media bias we have ever seen.
Consider this: Bush fired eight attorneys and the libs are calling for heads to roll. In 1993, when Clinton fired 93 (that's right, 93!) attorneys, the liberal media yawned. Brent Bozell charts the hypocrisy here
ABC's World News separated itself from the media pack Thursday night. Though ABC's coverage was keyed to how e-mails supposedly show that Karl Rove was at "the center" of early 2005 discussions about replacing all 93 U.S. attorneys, anchor Charles Gibson pointed out how "these U.S. attorneys do serve at the pleasure of the President. He can fire them at any time. So did anything really get done that was wrong?" Jan Crawford Greenburg answered, in a broadcast network evening newscast first, by informing viewers of how "President Clinton, in fact, fired all the U.S. attorneys when he came into office from the previous Republican administration."
More posted Thursday night on the MRC's blog, NewsBusters.org
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