Jay Leno: Senator Hillary Clinton is on her way back from a fact-finding tour of Iraq. She said although there are many problems in Iraq, she said there are good things about the Iraqi people—like the fact they hang adulterers.

Forget about the ethnic and racial slurs that many witnesses have confirmed over the years. Let's focus on the present, shall we?
She supports amnesty for illegals, yet recently criticized Republicans --all that stands in her way-- for obstructing Democrats on meaningful immigration reform. She claims the GOP isn't moving fast enough, and that she would do better than they securing the border, yet her efforts could add 60 – 100 million people to the US population in the next 20 years.
The truth is, no one knows exactly where she stands on important issues.
Hillary Pilloried by Jayme Evans
The country's leading left-wing publication,
The Nation, (posted June 21, 2006)
has turned on liberal darling Hillary Clinton in a scathing article headlined "Hillary's Hypocrisy." The article by Robert Scheer begins:
"How do you triangulate among death, hypocrisy and stupidity? Not at all logically, which is why Hillary Clinton's dissembling on Iraq has become a fatal embarrassment, not only for her, but for anyone who hopes she can provide progressive leadership for the nation.
"If she still has not found the courage to reverse course on this disastrous war, why assume that as president she would behave any differently?"
You should take this article for what it is.
Written by a liberal who thinks the Democrat Party should draft Boxer - what a scary thought.
I suspect that the in-fighting among the Dems will snowball.
As long as Hillary is ahead in the polls and trying to appeal to moderates, the far Left loons are sure to keep up the attacks.
She will be nominated by the Democrats which is probably a good thing for The GOP.
However, the Democrats have been known to eat their own.
I'm becoming more certain that Hillary will be the nominee.
I think the Dem primaries will be a race for the VP spot on the ticket.
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