An emotional Senator John F. sKerry today said he will not run in the 2008 presidential race and vowed to use his Senate perch to hasten an end to the war in Iraq, saying he would work with lawmakers from both parties to reverse President Bush's troop "surge" and force him to withdraw virtually all troops from Iraq by early next year.
Do these DemocRats really want us to lose?Why am I sad?
To understand it, you have to understand that everything to them is about political power and the acquisition of it. You have to understand that this resolution, if they really, really, really meant this, if they knew they had the American people on their side, they would go ahead and de-fund. They own the Congress, they've got the votes to de-fund the war. At least give it a good shot, but they don't go that way because they know the American people aren't with them. So this is playing politics with the troops. And whether the intention here is to lose -- I'm telling you, it is. They're so invested in defeat politically, they have to get one. Let's put it this way. They cannot allow a perceived victory to happen. Rush Limbaugh
I have many links and graphics I've been saving to honor Kerry's run in 2008. Now I won't be able to use them. But I'll save them because he might do a Kerry Flip Flop. Although He and The Democrat Party know He has no chance to win.
Fed up with these anti-American, anti-Bush Democrats and there non binding resolution?
Yesterday General Petraeus testified that the Biden/Warner resolutions and those like them encourage the enemy.
If the United States Senate passes a resolution, non-binding or otherwise, that criticizes the commitment of additional troops to Iraq that General Petraeus has asked for and that the president has pledged. And act accordingly. next week should mark an epic and important debate in the United States Senate. I hope that 39 Republicans will join at least Senator Joseph Lieberman is standing by the troops and their commander in iraq, as well as the president.
If your party will not support the war and the troops,
why support the party? Sign the Pledge.
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