But what are the facts about global warming? The Heritage Foundation’s experts have debunked a number of prevalent liberal myths on the subject.
- Myth: Global warming is unprecedented
- Myth: Global warming will be catastrophic
- Myth: Global warming caused Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters
- Myth: We are facing 20-foot sea level rise because of global warming
- Myth: The costs of the Kyoto Protocol fall mainly on industry and not on the public
- Myth: The Kyoto Protocol has been a success in Europe
- Myth: America is doing nothing about global warming
"For those with the wits to examine the history and science of climate, it is obvious that the global warmers are seeking to deceive whole nations and continents into the destruction of a thriving period of world trade and relative peace we call globalization. Short range, this is occurring today in the Congress of the United States. It must not be allowed to happen and those behind it should be driven from public office at the earliest possible moment." Alan Caruba
Al Gore's Academy Award Performance.
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