Religious Intolerance
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
**For this great nation under God**
Finds mention of Him very odd.**
If Scripture now the class recites,
** It violates the Bill of Rights.** And anytime my head I bow
** Becomes a Federal matter now.**
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
** That's no offence; it's a freedom scene.
** The law is specific, the law is precise.
** Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.**
For praying in a public hall
** Might offend someone with no faith at all
** In silence alone we must meditate,
** God's name is prohibited by the state.**
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
** And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
** They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
** To quote the Good Book makes me liable. **
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
** And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
** It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,
** We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.**
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
** Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
** But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
** No word of God must reach this crowd.**
It's scary here I must confess,
** When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
** So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!
Origins: Attributed to "a child in Boston," "a 12-year-old girl in Boston," and "a teen in Baghdad, Arizona." Additionally, some versions also lay claim to a date of origin:
"This was written by a teen in Bagdad, Arizona, in January of 2000, and posted on a public bulletin board."
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007 myth busters: Global warming

But what are the facts about global warming? The Heritage Foundation’s experts have debunked a number of prevalent liberal myths on the subject.
- Myth: Global warming is unprecedented
- Myth: Global warming will be catastrophic
- Myth: Global warming caused Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters
- Myth: We are facing 20-foot sea level rise because of global warming
- Myth: The costs of the Kyoto Protocol fall mainly on industry and not on the public
- Myth: The Kyoto Protocol has been a success in Europe
- Myth: America is doing nothing about global warming
"For those with the wits to examine the history and science of climate, it is obvious that the global warmers are seeking to deceive whole nations and continents into the destruction of a thriving period of world trade and relative peace we call globalization. Short range, this is occurring today in the Congress of the United States. It must not be allowed to happen and those behind it should be driven from public office at the earliest possible moment." Alan Caruba
Al Gore's Academy Award Performance.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
2008, Conservatives Abandon The GOP?
In fact, the displeasure of grassroots conservatives with the GOP manifested itself in the creation of the Conservative Exodus Project (CEP), which was formed immediately following the recent CPAC meeting. According to organizers, CEP "is a vehicle for conservatives to leave the GOP if a real conservative presidential candidate is not chosen in 2008." Members pledge either to not vote, or to vote third party
(e.g. Constitution Party).
CEP adherents use a fivefold litmus test to reveal a "real conservative."
1) He must oppose the "third-world invasion of the United States and reject amnesty and any path to citizenship for illegals."
2) He must "oppose free trade, the support of which has become an ideological suicide pact."
3) He must be a "moral candidate, critical of secularism, who embodies the virtues of the Christian Western tradition."
4) He must oppose the "illegal neocon war in Iraq."
5) He must "wish to see big government reduced in size-in all three branches-and for many offices and functions to be returned to the states, where they Constitutionally belong."
Proponents of the CEP make the following commitment: "Unless the above criteria are met, we pledge to stay home or vote third-party in 2008."
by Chuck Baldwin
To learn more about the Conservative Exodus Project, go to
To learn more about the Constitution Party, go to
(e.g. Constitution Party).
CEP adherents use a fivefold litmus test to reveal a "real conservative."
1) He must oppose the "third-world invasion of the United States and reject amnesty and any path to citizenship for illegals."
2) He must "oppose free trade, the support of which has become an ideological suicide pact."
3) He must be a "moral candidate, critical of secularism, who embodies the virtues of the Christian Western tradition."
4) He must oppose the "illegal neocon war in Iraq."
5) He must "wish to see big government reduced in size-in all three branches-and for many offices and functions to be returned to the states, where they Constitutionally belong."
Proponents of the CEP make the following commitment: "Unless the above criteria are met, we pledge to stay home or vote third-party in 2008."
by Chuck Baldwin
To learn more about the Conservative Exodus Project, go to
To learn more about the Constitution Party, go to
Friday, March 16, 2007
Hillary Fake Accent and Hypocrisy [Update]

HildaBeast Launches Web Effort to Oust Gonzales
The Democratic presidential hopeful said Gonzales should resign "because he is at the center of a widening scandal over the firing of several U.S. attorneys – firings we now know to be political. These attacks on the impartiality of the federal government’s prosecutors are a genuine threat to the foundations of our justice system.
"It’s so bad that one U.S. attorney in Arkansas was fired to make room for a former aide to Karl Rove."
Hillary's back to "It's a right wing conspiracy!"
The people didn't swallow it then, well - one did, they won't swallow it now.
What did Mr. Hilda Beast do? He fired 93 attorneys.

The latest liberal media outrage over the firing of eight U.S. attorneys by the Bush administration may be the clearest example of liberal media bias we have ever seen.
Consider this: Bush fired eight attorneys and the libs are calling for heads to roll. In 1993, when Clinton fired 93 (that's right, 93!) attorneys, the liberal media yawned. Brent Bozell charts the hypocrisy here
ABC's World News separated itself from the media pack Thursday night. Though ABC's coverage was keyed to how e-mails supposedly show that Karl Rove was at "the center" of early 2005 discussions about replacing all 93 U.S. attorneys, anchor Charles Gibson pointed out how "these U.S. attorneys do serve at the pleasure of the President. He can fire them at any time. So did anything really get done that was wrong?" Jan Crawford Greenburg answered, in a broadcast network evening newscast first, by informing viewers of how "President Clinton, in fact, fired all the U.S. attorneys when he came into office from the previous Republican administration."
More posted Thursday night on the MRC's blog,
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Did Ann Coulter Say “Bag it?”

They prefer that innocuous, cutsie and happy-go-fluffy little term “gay” if you please.)
It’s the left defining the terms, mind you. And it’s the left that further identifies who has permission to use those terms. Therefore, it’s only reasonable for them to apply that famous “progressive” double standard to Coulter. After all, she is a “hateful” conservative.
When Coulter spoke last Friday, everyone heard the word “faggot.” But if you take her words – abrasive as they were – in their full context, she was apparently just telling the left to back off and “bag it.” by J. Matt Barber
Could Edwards Become First Woman President?

Toni Morrison famously dubbed President Clinton America's "first black president." With that barrier broken, the comments of a prominent feminist are provoking debate about who may lay a similar claim to the title of America's first woman president.
The candidate being touted as a torchbearer for women is not Senator Clinton, but one of her former colleagues, John Edwards. At a rally near the University of California, Berkeley campus this week, a veteran of the abortion-rights movement, Kate Michelman, asked and answered the question she gets most frequently about her decision to back the male former senator from North Carolina.
Libby Guilty of Telling the Truth, Being Republican
The blogs are loaded with Libby opinions.
Here are a few links you may not have seen yet.
FREEDOM EDEN: Denis Collins: One of Libby's Peers?
Here are a few links you may not have seen yet.
FREEDOM EDEN: Denis Collins: One of Libby's Peers?
Log on to and vote on whether
President Bush should pardon Lewis "Scooter" Libby
President Bush should pardon Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Rush Quotes:More at
"This trial is not about getting Scooter Libby. It's about criminalizing conservatism and Republicans. It's about destroying the Bush administration."
"The bottom line is that what happened to Scooter Libby was an injustice. Libby was crushed by a rogue prosecutor trying to make a name for himself while actually targeting someone else -- and that would be Vice President Cheney."
"When liberals join the government, it is activism -- it is not public service. They're not out there doing anything to serve the public; they're doing things to control the public. They are attempting to amass power."
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Welcome to the Two-Party Presidential Primary Debate.
I'm your moderator, Katie Couric. By JOHN PODHORETZ
I'm your moderator, Katie Couric. By JOHN PODHORETZ
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Hillary’s College Thesis Finally Revealed

The research paper examined the work of radical community organizer Saul Alinsky, whom she called "a man of exceptional charm."
One indication of the Clintons' sensitivity about the thesis is that they had it locked away from public view for the eight years of Bill Clinton's presidency.
The Clintons asked Wellesley in 1993 to hide Hillary's senior thesis, and Wellesley's president approved a rule that made any senior thesis of a graduate available in the women-only college's archives for anyone to read — except for those written by either a president or first lady, MSNBC reporter Bill Dedman disclosed.
Available to the Public, Hillary Clinton's "Missing" College Thesis